Spell Removal Spell - Remove a Spell from yourself or others

Spell Removal Spell

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My Spell Removal Spell certainly has many uses. Although most people might consider they want to remove a spell which has been cast against them, this spell can also remove a spell that you have cast yourself.

Maybe you acted in haste, or cast a spell against the wrong person. It could be that you misdirected a spell casting or possibly even selected the wrong spell! You could also, of course, lift a good intention spell which you cast toward someone who you now realize is not worthy of the beneficial magic.

Alternatively, my Removal Spell can also protect you against the energies of a spell with bad intentions which has been cast toward you. You might know who has sent the spell, but often you will not. Yet this is of no consequence because my Spell Removal Spell will dissipate all negative energies sent to you with bad intention.

So, no matter if you are the spell caster or you have had one cast by me, or toward you by persons known or otherwise, my Spell Removal spell can work in several ways, which includes extracting the energy from the negative spiritual forces. In most instances, my magic will work by protecting you with a positive energy force-field. This is often a preferential way of dealing with negative intention spells when the caster has sent a continual array of evil magic toward you. Once they realize the spells are unable to reach their intended target, then this deters them from wasting time and energy in the future.

In rare cases, but only where the source is known, my Spell Removal spell can also return the spell back on the caster — essentially giving the wrongdoer a taste of their own medicine!

So, whether you are looking to deactivate a spell you have cast or one acting against you, my Spell Removal spell can help you resolve the situation with the minimum of intervention.

All my Santeria spells and services are covered by my 1 Year Satisfaction Guarantee. Click here for details.


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Strength Options

1 Orisha $139, 7 Orishas $199, 14 Orishas $279

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Strength Options

Selecting the right Strength Option for you Case

Option 1 - One Orisha Strength Option $49

Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 1 Orisha (Spirit). This strength level is suitable for most cases, especially ones that are not complicated or complex.

Option 2 - Seven Orishas Strength Option $99

This is my most popular strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 7 Orishas (Spirits). Choose this strength option if your case is difficult, or if you are in need of stronger and more potent results.

Option 3 - Fourteen Orishas Strength Option $159

This is my most influential and powerful strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 14 Orishas (Spirits). It is best suited for those clients that have severe, complicated, and complex cases and desire potent and permanent results.

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