Delete the Past Spell – Make them forget and erase it from their Mind

Delete the Past Spell

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Sci-fi movies are full of gadgets and beings who, with one press of a button or touch of the hand, can make people forget the past. The consistency of this feature tells us though at least one thing – we all know of things we’d like other people to forget!

My Delete the Past spell can be cast to make someone forget not everything, but simply things about you or all memories of you, completely.

This spell, like all my others, can, though only be used for good intention. For example, you cannot make someone forget if you have committed a heinous crime against them. What you can do though, is make them forget your indiscretions, rudeness, or perhaps a secret you unintentionally revealed!

Maybe you embarrassed yourself by getting a little too drunk at the Christmas party. Perhaps you unintentionally let slip a few awkward secrets to your mother-in-law. Perhaps an old acquaintance or boyfriend has unexpectedly re-entered your social circle, and you would prefer they did not reveal your past to your current partner or spouse.

My Delete the Past spell can help in these situations and dozens more like them. The magic will act only as you intend and might, instead of wiping all memory of a specific incident, make it difficult for someone to remember whether they took part in the conversation at all. Maybe they will be hazy on the details, or perhaps, if you revealed a secret, fail to remember who it was about.

Your embarrassing moments at a party or other social gathering may well be confused in the minds of the onlookers – perhaps they will be unable to clearly remember who the person was.

My Delete the Past spell can work in this and many other different ways. Yet, there is one thing you can be certain of, if you want someone to forget something, then this is the magic to reach for.

All my Santeria spells and services are covered by my 1 Year Satisfaction Guarantee. Click here for details.

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Strength Options

1 Orisha $139, 7 Orishas $199, 14 Orishas $279

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Strength Options

Selecting the right Strength Option for you Case

Option 1 - One Orisha Strength Option $49

Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 1 Orisha (Spirit). This strength level is suitable for most cases, especially ones that are not complicated or complex.

Option 2 - Seven Orishas Strength Option $99

This is my most popular strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 7 Orishas (Spirits). Choose this strength option if your case is difficult, or if you are in need of stronger and more potent results.

Option 3 - Fourteen Orishas Strength Option $159

This is my most influential and powerful strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 14 Orishas (Spirits). It is best suited for those clients that have severe, complicated, and complex cases and desire potent and permanent results.

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