Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to the most frequent asked questions. I kindly ask you to read these questions and answers before contacting me. Please understand that I cannot answer any questions via email that already have been answered here.
It is of utmost importance to me to help anyone that is in need of genuine spiritual help, regardless of their income or social status. Each case is unique, and every client has different spiritual needs, problems, obstacles, and influences. This makes some cases easier or more complicated than other cases. That’s the reason why I am offering all of my spells in three different strength levels. If your case is easy without obstacles, the 1 Orisha Strength Option for 139 US Dollars will do. If your situation is complicated, then please choose the 7 Orishas Strength Option for 199 US Dollars. If your problem is stubborn and you need extra potency, please select the 14 Orishas Strength Option for 279 US Dollars. Once I have received your order and details needed for your case, I will get started right away. I will evaluate your problem, your situation, and your wishes with the help of my spirits and guides. I will then customize the spell work to your specific needs. After all ingredients have been gathered, I will start the ritual ceremonies. As soon as the ritual ceremonies have been completed and the Orishas are at work, I will contact you with all the details. As soon as the ritual ceremonies have been completed, strong spiritual energies (ashe), as well as my spirits and the Orishas, will do their work. Please know that they will always find a way to make your wishes and goals happen, even if your situation seems hopeless or utterly complicated. I work with names, dates of birth, and pictures. If your spell only involves you, I will need your full name, your date of birth, and a picture. If your spell involves other people, I will also need their names, dates of birth, and/or their pictures. Option 1 – One Orisha: Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 1 Orisha (Spirit). This strength level is suitable for most cases, especially ones that are not complicated or complex. Option 2 – Seven Orishas: This is my most popular strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 7 Orishas (Spirits). Choose this strength option if your case is difficult, or if you are in need of stronger and more potent results. Option 3 – Fourteen Orishas: This is my most influential and powerful strength option. Your spell will be cast by petitioning your wishes to 14 Orishas (Spirits). It is best suited for those clients that have severe, complicated, and complex cases and desire potent and permanent results. After you have placed your order and I have received the details of your case, it takes from 1 to 3 business days to complete your spell work. Results vary from client to client. Some clients receive very fast results within a few days; other clients need to wait for weeks or months. Unfortunately, no one can predict how long it will take in your case. That’s why you must give the spell and the spirits enough time to work for you. If you have not received results after six months, I will recast your spell free of charge, or refund your money after 12 months. Yes, all spells are 100% customized to your specific problem, your needs, and wishes. Yes, the results are permanent. Yes, you can order as many spells as you wish. My Santeria spells have the highest success rate! I promise you that once you become my client, you will return for various other problems. Yes, you may work with other spell casters at the same time.