When you are ready to make some magic in your life, you might turn to someone who already knows what they’re doing. After all, when you want something, you will do anything you can to make sure you get it. But since this might be a new process or practice for you, it might be worrisome too. You might question if spells really work and if they can work for you. Though you may have hired someone else to cast the spell, you need to be involved too.
Be Committed to the Spell
First of all, you need to make sure you are 100% committed to the spell working out. You need to have all of your emotions and thoughts dedicated to the idea of success. When you are this emotionally invested, the universe knows you are serious and is more likely to give you what you really want. If you find you are not focused enough, stop and visualize what you want from the spell, how the results will make you feel, and write down these observations to review again when you feel your attention wavering.
It can also help to have the spell caster cast several spells so that the magic can focus on all areas that need improvement. This will make sure all of the energy around the spell is in one direction and removes all obstacles and underlying issues. It will also allow you to be committed to all the things that you want, rather than having to wait for one thing to happen before you move on to the next. For example, if you want love, focus on all aspects of love and all areas that need improvement such as returning a lover, faithfulness, getting rid of an unwanted third-party, rekindling love, etc.
Believe that Magic can and will work
You will also want to believe with all your being that magic can and will work. This might take a little ‘fake it ‘til you make it’, but it can be done. Picture the magic being your friend, a friend who is going to take your deepest wish and bring it into reality for you. Believe in it as you would your dearest friend. And if you still have trouble, you can start to whisper, “I believe in magic” under your breath all day to make it a strong belief.
Make an effort
Though magic is wonderful and helpful and mostly successful, you are never going to get what you want if you don’t put in some effort too. While you will have someone casting the spell for you, you also need to get out into the world. For example, if you’re looking for love, you can’t stay at home and hope someone knocks on your door. Instead, you need to get out and meet new people to see if your love is waiting for you there. Another example is that if you want more money, you can’t keep spending every extra cent you have. You need to be invested in the success of the spell too.
Trust in the Spell Caster and the Work
Once you have signed up to have a spell caster work on your spell, you need to trust they will do what you have asked. You need to surrender to the way the spell turns out and how long it will take. When you are constantly questioning the validity of the spell, or you are looking for ways to doubt what is started, it’s likely you will not get what you want.
In fact, it can be most helpful to just forget about the spell as it’s already off doing what it’s doing. When you do think about it, send some positive energy its way and then go back to living your life. When you do this, the universe knows you trust it and that you believe in magic.
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Totally agree, positive thinking, confidence, and trust are most important.
Thank you, really helpful for a beginner such as myself.